The opportunities are Endless
There are highs and there are lows, this happened to be a high point in my life.
Read more...Hi there!
My name is Guillermo Reyes and I am a developer among other things. This website is mainly a diary to future G. Hoping I made it in this jungle.
There are highs and there are lows, this happened to be a high point in my life.
Read more...It was a tough week, won't lie and now I am looking to greener pastures.
Read more...I snowed! can you believe it, after such a long and crappy winter in lake Tahoe. So let the snow bring in new opportunities.
Read more...The start of something new, if only I had know the Rona was gonna hit later this month.
Read more...Not a good day, you member, all those interviews you wanted to go through. Nope...