Data Structures Talk

Working at Crytica has been a great learning experience; I had the chance to dive into PHP for server side MySQL rendering and querying. I even delved deeper into the world of web development with the assignment of a Reporting App. To break it down it simplifies as this, we have a monitor DB that will constantly be receiving data from a probe. Now, my job is to take that data and display it in a Reporting type manner. You know the one, a nice little table with Header names and the data right under it.

This has been done, and I am quite proud of it too. Why? Well because I created a reporting systems that takes in a date, time interval and report type parameters. Then using the beauty of Jquery we, well query the DB, get data and render it server side with PHP. Now the reason for this write up is this; I have now been tasked to segment the data into pieces of 15 min intervals. That way each segment available in a given date, will be selected and viewed. What does this mean? Better yet, how do we tackle this problem?

Let's start with what we know. We now that our input is a specific date that we assume will have data. This could be 10, 100 or a thousand data points! However, our code at the moment is linearly processing each data row linearly.