The opportunities are Endless

Despite all the bullshit that is going on. Lets start this off with a little positivity.

What a time to be alive, coding I beleive is at its golden age, where nothing is new under this sun.

The possibilities are endless. Yes, I am in a positive mood as you can tell. My learning curve is

about to hit that exponential point. So really, the sky is the limit. I am starting to see, nay

envision where I can take this toolbelt of mine to construct the future. Allegorically, I feel like

a construction worker, carpinter or mechanic who has learned to wield his tools. All he sees now,

in front of him are projects to be completed. He no longer fears time for he knows his skillset and

his craft. He knows great projects take time and epic projects; take a lifetime. So here I am, giddy

at 3:00. My creative juices flowing, with one thought in my head. What will be my next project?

What tools will I use to accomplish it, and what are the steps to get there?

Quick shout out to youtube, although a whore for ad-money. A truly wonderful resource to learn.

Props to the creators that upload content for the sake of creating content to teach. These people

are whom the internet was created for. So now, I embark further on this journey to becoming a Full-Stack Dev.

To get as versitile with my tools as I was when I played Mechanic. To the god of creation, of tinkering, and knowledge.

I thank it for this brain, a brain that is always asking questions and curious to discover more.

Thus begins my journey to my magnus-opus. My great work...