I have the symptoms for the Rona

"the symptoms are here"

I dont wanna panic, before I get tested but here is what I know. It started with

a sore throat and then it progressed to a runny nose, constant sneezing and runny nose.

Then I had congestion, fever chills that lasted one night on the 25th and the 26th I was weak.

But no fever that day. Today I still have a runny nose, sneeze like crazy, diareah and nausea.

I cant taste nor smell. I think this is what sucks more, I dont want to cook, tacos bring me no

joy anymore as I cant taste them.

So to keep me occupied, I am now just trucking along programming. It is the only thing I know I do

not need taste or smell to do. I am not enjoying cooking for myself as you can tell why, there is

no pleasure if you can't smell or taste.

So I am trucking along, I just hope April brings in a different light to my life. I could not handle the

rollercoaster ride that was March.