Rants 101

The weekends should be a time to relax and enjoy the surrounding areas that is your home office. However, more often I find myself sitting in a computer, looking at more code, as if the previous week I have not had enough code to deal with. This week was interesting, I found myself asking the question. "To async or not to" in terms of JS async has proven to be a nightmare to my poor OOP ways. I am used to having state remain in one global place. Asynchronous JS has a different agenda in mind, it is my belief that it was not intended to utilize the OOP paradigm but rather go at it in a functional programming approach. So yay to another sleepless weekend learning about something new related to JS only to be told by the older programming generation that it is a bunch of fluff and to stick to the companies best practices.

One can understand, objects are still here and have been here for a while. I have nothing against the companies best practices, nor anything against async js. This is just a rant blog, my frustration is the following; I am stuck in a catch 22 where I have to be constantly on top of new emerging technologies as well as write code according to my companies best practices (ie the old ways). So how am I supposed to keep up with a companies view of a "great programmer" one that contributes to open source on their spare time, has an up to date blog, has projects that relate to his passion and somehow circle back to writing more code, oh and also is an active participant in stack overflow. How do these gods manage all this? Am I missing a secret? Are they all just raw dogging energy off life itself, are they all caffeine addicts? I want to know, because I want to be a great programmer. I want to have a larger understanding of what is going on....but I also want a life. For once I want I want a weekend where I am not feeling guilty about not working on my website,blog or project. So ironically I am here venting to future G, in the hopes that those dreams were achieved.

I see the growth of this website, sorry this blog site, as a mere means to be like that of a programming diary. To see where I was and to ponder as to where I could be. This blog is just for kicks after all, but now a growing passion to create a technical website that houses all my projects and well has a documentation aspect to it...damn I am already adding another project to my plate.

Well lets see future G, hopefully you did code that technical website ;)